This was great experience for me, because I had several problems and I always postponed creation of this connection. First I bought 2 cantannas from ebay (
Then I tried to make connection between WRT54GL and dir-300. None of original firmwares provide WDS connection support, so I had to install DD-WRT on both of these routers. But after a while I understood that dir-300 is really bad router - it was hanging all the time. So after a while I bought one more WRT54GL (this is really great router) and installed DD-WRT on that.
I had next problem - signal between two points was only 7%. At the first I didn't get, where is problem, but then I opened my PVC window and I had 30% signal! :)
So, great - everything worked just fine, but I had next problem :)
If my grandma plugs out my router from electricity and then I call her and say: "Hei, grandma, what are you doing, plug it back in."
And here next problem comes up. It can't restore WDS connection, if it has been interapted. The only possibility to restore WDS connection is to turnoff-turnon both routers. This really isn't nice.
I investigated this a little and found WDS/Connection watchdog in DD-WRT control panel. So I happily activated this, but this doesn't work as it should. Yes - it restarts the router, but connection isn't restored. The only possibility to restore connection was changing wireless password (I guess that it restarts wireless part).
I didn't get deeply into DD-WRT commands on restarting wireless, so I created crontabs on both side servers. I call ruby program every 15 minutes and check if connection is available. In case of grandma, I change password on both routers. This also increase security, because I created 100 different passwords.
1. Architecture

2. Configuration details
2.1. Linksys WRT300N
This router is configured as gateway to internet and DHCP server is activated on this.
IP address is set to
There are only some open ports to server, like 80 & 25.
2.2. Linksys WRT54GL DD-WRT first router
Remember to connect network cable to LAN port (not WAN port).
IP address is set to
Subnet is set to
Gateway is not changed from
WAN is disabled.
DHCP server is disabled.
Wireless name is set to: wirelessconnection
Channel: 7
Wireless mode: AP
Wireless security: WPA
WPA Algorithm: AES
Wireless password: wireless
Advanced settings.
Authentication type: Shared key
Frame Burst: Enabled
TX Antenna: Right (my cantenna was connected to right router antenna)
RX Antenna: Right (my cantenna was connected to right router antenna)
TX Power: 250
Afterburner: Enabled
Choose LAN and enter other router MAC address.
2.3. Linksys WRT54GL DD-WRT second router
Remember to connect network cable to LAN port (not WAN port).
IP address is set to
Subnet is set to
Gateway is not changed from
WAN is disabled.
DHCP server is disabled.
Wireless name is set to: wirelessconnection
Channel: 7
Wireless mode: AP
Wireless security: WPA
WPA Algorithm: AES
Wireless password: wireless
Advanced settings.
Authentication type: Shared key
Frame Burst: Enabled
TX Antenna: Right (my cantenna was connected to right router antenna)
RX Antenna: Right (my cantenna was connected to right router antenna)
TX Power: 250
Afterburner: Enabled
Choose LAN and enter first router MAC address.
2.4. Linksys WRT54GL
DHCP server is disabled.
IP address is set to
Wireless is configured to have password.
3. Some problems I had creating this
3.1. PVC windows really decrease signal strength.
Put cantenna outside.
3.2. Cantenna comes with SMA end, but router WRT54GL have TNC end, so I had to buy connector from ebay.
RP-SMA female to RP-TNC male connector for WIFI antenna
3.3. Routers doesn't restore WDS connection if it is lost.
Ruby code that change password on both routers (restore connection):
require 'rubygems'
require 'net/http'
thread = { `ping -c 1 -t 3` }
puts "Waiting on the thread..."
value = thread.value
if value.match(/1 received/).nil?
puts "not connected"
pwd = [ 'f9Up5asdasdUCE7a',
[..97 more passwords..] ]
time =
time =
rez = ((time.year*(time.hour + 1)*time.month^2 + time.month**(time.hour + 1) + time.yday/(time.hour + 1) + (time.wday * 100 + (time.hour + 1)))/3)%100
rez2 = (time.yday*4/3)%100
password = pwd[rez]
password2 = pwd[rez2]
if time.min <>
password = "#{password}#{password2[2]}"
elsif time.min <>
password = "#{password}#{password2[3]}"
elsif time.min <>
password = "#{password}#{password2[4]}"
elsif time.min <>
password = "#{password}#{password2[5]}"
res = Net::HTTP.post_form(URI.parse('http://root:admin@'), { 'submit_button'=>'WL_WPATable',
'submit_type' => 'save',
'security_varname' => '',
'security_mode_last' => '',
'wl_wep_last' => '',
'filter_mac_value' => '',
'wl0_security_mode' => 'psk',
'wl0_crypto' => 'aes',
'wl0_wpa_psk' => password,
'wl0_wl_unmask' => '0',
'wl0_wpa_gtk_rekey' => '3600' })
puts "ERROR"
3.4. Running WDS restoring code from both sides using crontab
Crontab on both servers (sudo crontab -e):
5,20,35,50 * * * * ruby /home/user/need/router.rb
5 7 * * * sudo ntpdate
1 komentārs:
Interesting article! Thanks!
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